LaSciL toolbox
The LaSciL toolbox offers a common entry point to the various tools and infrastructures being made available to the project.
LaSciL also provides guidelines for the use of each of the offered services with exemplary models on how to make the best use of each one, applicability across the curricula and inclusive aspects of each component.
Topics include:
- Robotic telescopes
- Planetarium software
- Astronomy and space exploration simulations
- Analog space missions infrastructures
- Teaching tools
- Data science
Below you will find the links for the tools developed so far. This list is being continuously updated!

CODAP for Data Science
CODAP (Common Online Data Analysis Platform) is an easy-to-use data analysis tool. It can be used to summarize, visualize, and interpret data.

How to do “Data Talks” with pupils
This document explains how to find helpful advice to conduct “Data Talks” in the classroom.

Infographics for Scientific papers
This document explains how to utilize infographics to support the pupils’ understanding of genuine scientific work.

Playposit is a free web application that allows us to create interactive video tutorials. This application runs in a browser and allows us to insert quiz questions into the video stream.

Stellarium is free planetarium software available for computers and mobile devices. It is a very powerful tool to start learning the night sky and simulate past and future astronomical events.

Tableau Public for Data Science
This document explains how to utilize Tableau Public to visualize scientific data.

Wordwall can be used to create both interactive and printable custom activities for the classroom.

LCO Tools
This set of guidelines provides all the information necessary for successfully preparing a remote astronomical observation run.

Mentimeter is a very nice tool to be used to collect information from your audience.

Padlet is a virtual board that teachers can use to promote collaborative work among students.

Impact Calculator
This document explains how to use the Down2Earth
project’s Impact Calculator to simulate
impacts from space.

Finding moving objects with Heavens Above
This document explains how to find known comets to observe with the LCO telescopes, but similar steps can be taken to find known asteroids to observe.

Stelvision Telescope Simulator
Simulate the field of view based on the characteristics of your telescope and eyepiece.

Ray Optics Simulator
Create your own optics experiment.

Telescope Simulator
Explore how telescope parameters affect its performance.

Refracting Astronomical Telescope
App that simulates a simple refracting astronomical telescope.

Field of view calculator
Simulate the field of view for eyepieces and cameras.

Online pixel Ruler 2
Measure pixels in any image/webpage you want.

Sky and Telescope
Explore a wide range of interactive simulations to better plan your observations.

How to install and use the astronomical image software.

Free software for digital video analysis and modelling.

Interactive for transit method
How to use the light grapher to simulate light curves.

SOHO Movie Theatre
Create a movie with real images of the Sun.

Online Pixel ruler
Online tool to measure distances in images.